Diabetic Annual Review


Dear Patient,

Diabetic Annual Review 1st Reminder

Your diabetic annual review is now due. To help you manage your health, we need you to attend for an appointment at the surgery in order for us to help monitor your condition.

Diabetes related complications include: damage to large and small blood vessels, which can lead to a heart attack or a stroke, and can cause problems with the kidneys, eyes, feet and nerves. The risk of most diabetes related complications can be reduced, which is why we ask you to attend for annual reviews, as regular screening is important to detect complications early.

Please bring an early morning urine sample to the appointment. The nurse will take your annual blood test at this appointment and these results will be sent to you with a follow up call from the nurse or GP if required.

If you do not already have an appointment for a diabetes review, please can you contact the reception to book a diabetes annual review appointment with the nurse.

If you do not attend for your review the GP may decide to stop prescribing your medications, as it may not be safe to continue doing so without the recommended monitoring reviews.


Yours sincerely

Leeds City Medical Practice

Date published: 14 April 2023
Date last updated: 14 April 2023